They Just Never Learn
"Alaska governor gets jet over public objections"
Ho ho, hilarious: the Republicans in Alaska bought themselves a sweet plane for "official business" and folks are none too happy:
Critics have dubbed it "Bald Ego," "Murky's Turkey" and "Incontinental Airlines," but Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski finally has the sleek executive jet he says he and other state officials need.He continued: "I mean come on people, Frank Murkowski can't be see in a turboprop anymore... what kind of message does that send to the terrorists?"
The $2.6 million Westwind aircraft, equipped with a leather sofa, burgundy carpeting and a flush toilet, arrived this week in Anchorage and will replace a no-frills turboprop used by previous Alaska governors for official business.
Critics say Murkowski's jet is unusable in much of rural Alaska, where runways are too short and made of gravel or nonexistent.
Murkowski press secretary Becky Hultberg defended the purchase, saying the Republican governor believes that "this is an aircraft that Alaska needs as one of the most aviation-dependent states in the nation."
This issue is tailor made for election time.
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