Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Key

Over at the Daily Kos they've pulled some quotes from the Chris Matthews show, and I would like you to focus on this bit:
Matthews: Sam, you were [around during] Watergate, I want you to talk about this. They've got kind of a gangrene setting in here. They've got the vice president being touched by this, clearly, because of the indictment language. We've got Scooter Libby gone, basically. Karl Rove still under investigation. Can the president amputate now or has it already gotten to him? Can he separate himself from all this mess by just a couple firings and then move on?

[snip: Sam Donaldson doesn't say anything interesting... ]

Newsweek's Howard Fineman: But he doesn't want to repair it. He doesn't want to repair it.

Matthews: Why?

Fineman: Because George W. Bush is the guy who's going to stick with these people. These are the people he came with...

Matthews: But he'd like to be more trusted, wouldn't he?

Fineman: He's gonna try to fight his way out...
Oh lucky us... now Bush et al., are Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kids. Oy.