Finally! Support for My Thesis!
Now regular HPI folk will recognize this as my working thesis (which I glossed over here) and it i my hope that, although this commentator by John Dean is an a legal journal, brave commentators point ou the obvious to the American people. And what is the 'obvious'?
It has been reported that Libby's attorney tried to work out a plea deal. But Fitzgerald insisted on jail time, so Libby refused to make a deal. It appears that only Libby, in addition to Cheney, knows what Cheney knew, and when he knew, and why he knew, and what he did with his knowledge.And in my head the lyrics are now "I know all there is to know abou the stalling game"... folks are saying it'll take month just to get Libby's new legal team the security clearances they need to even start to view the evidence in the case. Throw in the usual legal wranglings, a holiday or 3 or 4 or 5, a surprise or 2, and... well you can see where this is going: the 2006 elections will be over, the Bush admin will be winding down and a pardon will be doable. But we'll see... I hope I'm wrong.
Fitzgerald has clearly thrown a stacked indictment at Libby, laying it on him as heavy as the law and propriety permits. He has taken one continuous false statement, out of several hours of interrogation, and made it into a five-count indictment. It appears he is trying to flip Libby - that is, to get him to testify against Cheney -- and not without good reason. Cheney is the big fish in this case.
Will Libby flip? Unlikely. Neither Cheney nor Libby (I believe) will be so foolish as to crack a deal. And Libby probably (and no doubt correctly) assumes that Cheney - a former boss with whom he has a close relationship -- will (at the right time and place) help Libby out, either with a pardon or financially, if necessary. Libby's goal, meanwhile, will be to stall going to trial as long as possible, so as not to hurt Republicans' showing in the 2006 elections.
So if Libby can take the heat for a time, he and his former boss (and friend) may get through this.
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