Love Or Punishment?
Seems Pope Benedict has come out in favor of the 'intelligent design' school of Creationism (and make no mistake: it is Creationism, and not science) but has taken a position more philosophical than Pat Robertson's petulant god-child who, apparently, we've been poking "in the eye" by trying to understand our world. But, let's face it: the Catholic church is always more philosophical (though no less silly) than Robertson and his ilk who never cease to demonstrate that they have the reasoning skills of 6 year olds.
Slate, however, asks the question they've both begged:
A core principle of modern science is that theories have to make predictions. A belief that doesn't make testable predictions isn't a theory and can't be taught in science classes.Hmmm, that seems suspiciously like logic and fundamentalists, by definition do not do logic. Hopefully You, dear reader, do.
Proponents of ID claim that complex systems found in nature—the cell, the bacterial flagellum, the immune system—are evidence of "intelligent activity" by a designer. But what kind of intelligence? Is the designer brutal or loving, jealous or forgiving? Look at the ancient crocodilelike predator we just dug up. Its mouth is a perfect killing machine. Does the same intelligence that designed us design our murderers?
It's either that or we're talking about the Perfect Jesus Crocodile Killing Machine... thing.
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