Is Iraq The New Viet Nam?
Not so hilarious:
Hatch refers to Iraq as VietnamOy. They even think of it as Viet Nam... (not that Hatch served in Viet Nam)
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, flubbed Monday and referred to Iraq as Vietnam while commenting on Fox News against an immediate troop withdrawal.
"The Democratic Party seems to be taken over by the Michael Moore contingent in their attitude toward Vietnam, and they continually call for a withdrawal of troops at a time when we haven't finished the job," Hatch said on the network's morning show. Hatch's spokesman acknowledged the error, which was first reported on the American Prospect Web log.
And what is it with the 'Micheal Moore contingent' crap? Their whole party seems to be the Rush "hillbilly heroin addict" Limbaugh - Bill "sexual harrassment" O'Reilly party (and I could go on).
Thanks to the Huffington Post for this (its getting better, really).
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