Bush Co.: Cronyism At All Levels
Wow. You just can't make up thje following story, so I'll just give you some bullets:
Young George Deutsch goes and works for Bush as a "war room" campaign staffer (they love war, these folks) and gets rewarded with a position as a presidential appointee at NASA.
NASA!!! Can you f@#king believe that?!?
Anyways, Deutsch just can't help himself and starts messing in areas he shouldn't. Like limiting reporters' access to a top climate scientist, threatening that same scientist, and forcing NASA webmasters to add the word "theory" at every mention of the Big Bang.
Plus, as I recall, he asked scientists to only speak of the Big Bang "theory" in their documents and talks.
Well it seems the little schmuck was more than just some wacky zealot (just like those folks rioting in the middle east); he was also a liar and a fraud.
Turns out he didn't graduate from Texas A&M like his resume says he did.
The real question here is one that Nick, the Scientific Activist asks:
Instead of the story being about a 24-year-old lying, it should be about this: How did this guy, who already had dubious qualifications, make it into NASA with such an obvious lie on his resume? To work for a federal agency, including NASA, extensive background checks are usually required.Oh, Nick, don't you know? All that matters is loyalty to Bush Co.
If you give them checks? You're automatically in...no questions asked!
More details on this little jackass over at TalkingPointsMemo.com
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