Protest Fun For Everyone!
Future American lawyers to be proud of... and Alberto Gonzales.
Sounds like things didn't go so well for old Al Gonzales during a speach at Georgetown Law the other day as students blocked him with a banner that read: "Those who would sacrafice Liberty for Safety deserve neither - Ben Franklin."
(I don't know who this 'Ben Franklin' character is, but I think Homeland Security should pay him a little visit and teach him what being an American really means.)
One student apparently had this to say to Al during the Q & A period:
"When you're a law student, they tell you if say that if you can't argue the law, argue the facts. They also tell you if you can't argue the facts, argue the law. If you can't argue either, apparently, the solution is to go on a public relations offensive and make it a political issue... to say over and over again "it's lawful", and to think that the American people will somehow come to believe this if we say it often enough."Hmmm, did anyone hear these details in Mainstream Media?
Did Chris Matthews do his job and call them 'terrorist sympathizers' yet?
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