Monday, January 02, 2006

431 to 1

Those damn commie pinko liberals over at the New York Times had this to say in the Editorial Another Marie Antoinette Moment:
The same report, by the Institute for Policy Studies, a left-leaning research center, and United for a Fair Economy, a group seeking to narrow the gap between rich and poor, found that in 2004 the ratio of C.E.O. pay to worker pay at large companies had ballooned to 431 to 1. If the minimum wage had advanced at the same rate as chief executive compensation since 1990, America's bottom-of-the-barrel working poor would be enjoying salad days, with legal wages at $23.03 an hour instead of $5.15.
Commies! Why do they hate America so much? Damn their Black MainStreamMedia-♥s? Don't they know that this kind of talk just helps the terrorists?
In the go-go days of the Internet bubble, these kinds of statistics were easy to ignore because it felt as if anyone could be the next millionaire and surely the rising tide would lift all boats. Now corporate profits are being wrung in large part from cost cutting like reductions to worker health care and retirement, layoffs and plant closings.

It would be nice to see corporate America put more effort - and money - into quality control and fair living wages for workers and less into exorbitant pay packages and bonuses for corporate chieftains.
Like Brando likes to points out everyone seems to think that they're a millionaire-in-training... but probably aren't.