Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Lie of Republican Christianity

Don't know who this guy/gal/group is, but I like what they have to say:
The Christians who, in their compact with the Republicans sold out nearly every other value of Jesus Christ for the sake of one he never uttered--a fetus' right to life--are left with nothing again. Those who were asked to value the so-called "right to life" and abandonned love of peace and the poor to try to achieve it are left with nothing truly Christian at all, just a senseless war, a contempt for the poor and afflicted, and a Supreme Court that will continue to honor Roe v. Wade.
In other words: SUCKERS!!

Wow. Wish I could write like that. I also wish I could fly like Superman (with a nod to Ray Davies) but that is sort of beside the point.

I don't agree with the main thesis though, because I do believe that, no matter what the Gentleman Roberts says, Republicans are Hell-bent to do away with abortion rights. Nothing indicates the contrary to me.